Demos Vlad Tepes z 1996 roku. Standardowo całkiem dobre kompozycje okaleczone paskudnym brzmieniem. Osobiście wolę wcześniejsze nagrania. Jako bonus dołączam czyjś skan wywiadu (Kill Yourself zine) z 1995 roku.
1.Raven's Hike
2.Abyssic and Funeral Symphony
3.In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4.Tepes - The Unweeping
5.Nos Terribles Pensees
6.Our Soul's Worries
vladek zajebista kapelka tylko czytajac takie wywiady zawsze zastanawiam sie co bylo powodem rozpadu kapeli i dlaczego nic juz o kolesiach nie slychac
OdpowiedzUsuńJeśli chodzi o LLN, to rozpadło się przez to, że wielu nie związanych z ruchem pajaców zaczęło na tym kręcić biznes. Nie od dziś wiadomo że 'scena', czy jak nazwać to przedstawienie przesiąknięta jest ścierwem które myśli tylko jak by tu interes nakręcić bądź kogoś z kasy oruchać.
OdpowiedzUsuńDlatego też Vordb Dreagvor Uezeerb zamknął kółeczko (wiele zresztą dobrych zespołów zakończyło działalność, bo stwierdziło że nie ma dla kogo grać). Kto wie, może dalej coś tam sobie pogrywają z dala od tego całego syfu.
Co ciekawe nagrania Legionów wciąż chodzą po ebayach i innych takich za kosmiczne ceny. A jako że wiadomo jak mizernie te rzeczy były wydawane, podrobić taką taśmę mógłby każdy debil który dzierży magnetofon (stąd też płacąc za to, nawet nie ma się pewności czy kupuje się oryginał czy zwykłą kasetę z jakiejś biedronki, na którą ktoś wgrał mp3jki). Z tym że nawet jakby wyszło to na jaw, kiedyś za takie akcje obijano ryj, a teraz kochane metalowce poklepią gościa po ramieniu że fajny interes zrobił i będzie za co chlać tanie wina w krzakach.
Z innej bajki patrząc, to też nie do końca wiem czym te zespoły sobie zasłużyły na taką "kultowość". Grożenie każdemu śmiercią i sranie złem w wywiadach było już przerabiane przez masę zespołów, a zwyczajnie na słowach się kończyło. Osobiście jeśli o postawę black metalową chodzi, to ikoną jest dla mnie Ildjarn. Muzykę tworzył tragiczną, jednak to nie istotne. Normalny koleś, który nie starał się nikomu niczego udowodnić, ino robił swoje z dala od ludzi i całego tego bajzlu. Uchhh... rozgadałem się.
a tu jedna z zapewne wielu dziwnych plotek: This is perhaps the best rumor you have heard of Les Legions Noires, this rumor is told why Lord Meyh'nach and AK were taken from LLN by Vordb
OdpowiedzUsuńRoussel is said to Willy, aka Lord of Mutiilation Meyh'nach, Gestapo 666, Satanicum Tenebrae, and so on. is said to have found a cache of high-grade LSD in an abandoned monastery that he and members of LLN had stayed there. Willy decided to take all LSD, began a feud between Lord Vordb and AK on Valerie (who was one of the 3 women members NLL), a fight that allegedly revealed that Willy was sexually abused by her father (?) And was at the time Lord Willy and AK were expelled from LLN, all the cassettes were destroyed Keetre Aakon and Willy went home ashamed.
He says this, but it also says it has much truth ...
LLN's fight for women's true. It is also the real reason why Lord Beleth'Rim (Torgeist, Vermeth) were expelled from LLN, the very reason why he was expelled Lord AK. No cassette of AK can be found anywhere, if one is found, it may be the fifth or sixth generation of voice-overs, they were all destroyed by Lord Vordb when I drive AK. So if someone comes up here to buy a tape, do not!, Will be cheated.
For the rest of the rumor, it was Willy who is sexually harassed is true, but in fact almost no one is sure if this was happening continuously or once a week ...
Note: Remember that just a rumor, but it could be very sure.
a tu ciekawsze,tylko troche bledow bo z francuza tlumaczenie; Brief history of Les Legions Noires (1991 - Today?)
OdpowiedzUsuń1991, The Beginning ...- The plan was for all members living in the forest, outside of modern society. Members may not arise in this way of life, go to the forest after a few months, leaving only Vordb and Lord Aakon Keetreh behind. The name''The Black Legions, was later changed to''''Les Legions Norie, honoring their language and country.
1993, Birth - All members are now in the forest. Les Legions Noires is officially live. The EP''Hail Sathanas Mutiilation, We Are the Black Legions, was released.
1994, Traitors - Complications arise with the advent of Beleth'Rim who wanted to be part of the circle without having the courage to enter. He gets help with his project recording demos Torgeist''''. Only to later sell them, and make copies of the beautiful does not distribute the material as their peers gave him. Piracy began.
1995, Plague - Piracy continues, lots of cassettes are recorded, sometimes limited to less than 10 copies, and given to the people of''trust''. Stupid rumors are spread like a plague among the underground scene. LLN members threaten the owners of labels / metal labels and magazines.
1996, The Fall - The year sees the birth of''The Black Plague,''a zine with interviews from Les Legions Noires members and some of the Norwegian Black Metal scene, Mortiis (Emperor playing in the past). Unfortunately,
entire document can not be found anywhere, precious pages are missing. Rumors and piracy of his work continue to spread, not only in France but throughout Europe. Beleth'Rim leaves the circle, taking unusual material then copy it and sell. By the end of this year, Meyh'nach is sick of it and said it would take a DESC''''all this and come back later. He disappeared into the darkness. Just before the beginning of 1997, it was over, Les Legions Noires returned to the darkness that spawned them.
1997, The Result - Vlad Tepes is still recording music until 1998. It was said that Vordb also was active musically, but never released anything recorded. Beleth'Rim used his status as member-* pseudo-LLN''to win fame and fortune with their projects. Amaka Vermeth Hahina and everything was recorded and released around 2000. Mayh'nach missed his artistic suicide, only became more tade again, pretending I had to fight with these worms. Mutiilation has been active since then, and is also the only LLN band persisted. When asked Les Legions Noires and past, Meyh'nach deftly changes the subject, talking all except about Les Legions Noires.
??, Today ... - Piracy is still going on, rumors will not stop. It's like a disease, rotting, in the long underground scene. Things go further when the French Label Noires Litanies''''launched what was supposed MOEVOT NEW album. Anhplh Hvëelëhd Ieëhr Ähndeëh Aväyogovrte Htäartrëeh and were 2 albums. Everything is false, probably recorded by someone in need of money in his basement.
OdpowiedzUsuńMeyh'nach Was constantly bothered by his father?
No. And there was no discussion about something like this in Les Legions Noires. That's not the reason for his departure either. Meyh'nach left because he wanted to go, so simple.
What is the language used?
The language is called Gloatre and was created entirely by Vordb. Gloatre NOT contain umlauts, the word is not Gloatre Moëvöt, since the project was before I Legions Noires. It is assumed that Gloatre was based on the French and the aesthetics of his letters, so they really can not translate, the easiest way would be Vérmyapre word for vampire. Vérmyapreb is plural.
What happened to Aäkon Këetreh?
It was removed shortly before the fall of Les Legions Noires. There are no clear reasons, apparently had a peeling between him and Vordb. One day, AK Vordb had enough and was dragged off the road. And one last thing, all Keetreh Aakon demos were destroyed, if you have one, it's bootleg
END ...
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